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New School Year, New Study Tips

In honor of the new school year here are some study tips with a few science backups.

Number 1: Do Not study in your bed. Your brain will begin to associate your bed with work and it will make sleeping and getting your brain to go to sleep harder.

Number 2: Create a study plan for the week. If you know that you have a big test coming up at the end of the week make a plan. Spilt the unit the test is on into four chunks or make one chunk bigger if you have a day will less work or vice versa.

Number 3: Take breaks! Your brain only focuses for short periods of time. So it is scientifically proven that if your brain gets a break and has time to refocus you will take in more of the information.

Number 4: Whatever you listen to needs no words. Yes, I am aware you love Taylor Swift and Drake. As well as the shows Friends and Grey's Anatomy, but there psychologically is no such thing as multitasking. If you listen to classical music or even Lofi, there is a higher chance you retain more of the information you study.

Number 5: Set Goals!! If you have an issue staying focused and feel like you are achieving nothing, set small achievable goals. Create checkpoints throughout your studying, and quiz yourself on what you have done so far. Have a number of questions to get right and answer the questions. If you achieve said goal, give yourself a small break. (See why with Study Tip #3)

Reminder!!!! Your grades do not define you. If you do badly on a test, it is not the end of the world. Studying can be hard for people. I myself, struggle with that, but these are the tips that help me the most. Believing your grades do not define you is not the easiest thing in the world; it is much easier said than done. Study hard and do your best!

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