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Hiding from Life: A Story of Game Apps

Maybe it's that Covid feels like it will never end, maybe it's that winter has been dragging on and on, it's probably that a family member is very ill, but I have been struggling lately. As a homebody and a pretty extreme introvert deep down, I have been able to handle being stuck at home for the last year decently up until now. I wouldn't say that I'm depressed, but I'm tired, cold, and sick of feeling nervous just going to Target. I'm not finding the same joy I used to in things I love, such as reading. Instead, I hide away under my electric throw blanket and do the one thing that takes me away from my stress - play random games on my phone.

I've always loved games where I don't have to think much. They are easy to pick up, put down, forget about for three months without it mattering. But now, I am wasting away the hours playing these games. Word games are my favorite. I found my current favorite, behind a pay wall, has been recreated for free on a website called Generic Word Game, so I play for hours. Last month I played a version of Mahjong on a app non-stop. I even downloaded Rollercoaster Tycoon, a theme park creator app since I am missing Walt Disney World, my home away from home, so so much.

It feels like these games are the only thing allowing me to escape right now. The downtime, while making me feel guilty that I'm not doing something more productive, is allowing me to recharge and face another day without a breakdown.

What are you using to cope through the last year? Any games that I should be playing?

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