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Prep for the New Semester!

The second semester is around the corner for a lot of us, so let's prep for what we need to succeed!


1) Prep Outfits!

If you need to do a closet clean-out, do it now! Go shopping and get new fits for the warm season!

2) Get Your Supplies Early!

Every semester, there is a huge rush to get the best supplies out there. If you haven't already, go and get the notebooks, pens, etc. that you need.

3) Prep for Class!

Take out all of your papers from last semester and keep the important ones!

You'll never know if you will need them in the future, so make sure to keep your notes or take some time to summarize them into a few pages.

Also, research ahead for your classes. See what you will be doing and start studying beforehand if you have the time. You can also formulate a study plan. If you need some help, check out Anajli's blog article for studying tips for this coming semester!

4) Work on a Sleep Schedule!

If you haven't already, fix your sleep schedule! You should get at least 6-8 hours in every night. You should start this habit now to provide effective sleep during the coming semester!

5) Take a Break!

We're in the last stretch of the first semester, so enjoy it! You should especially do any fun things you have been wanting to do before the busyness of a new semester.


You Can Do It!

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