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A World of Our Hopes and Dreams

About ten years ago, Pokémon X and Y was released on the Nintendo 3DS. At the time, it was my first Pokémon game and is still one of my favorites of the franchise. The game itself introduce many new concepts to the Pokémon games. This included presenting a deeper story on the ideas of life. Characters such as Lysandre, the leader of Team Flare, desire to cleanse the world and remake it according to their standard of beauty. Others individuals such as AZ, the former king of Kalos, attempt to control life in favor of their own desires. This theme culminates in the end of the games where an unique song is played during the staff roll.


The song is called KISEKI, which is Japanese for miracle. Though it is only presented using instruments in the game, coinciding lyrics are provided for the player to enjoy. You can listen to a cover of the song below:

As you listen to this song, we can learn the importance of caring for each other. In our current world, people continue to divide themselves as they seek to only benefit them. This causes us to fight each other when we should all truly be helping one another. KISEKI reminds us of this idea. Though our lives may be different, we need to support each other. Selfishness and pride will only create more issues as we separate ourself. Instead, we should put aside our differences and seek to understand each other. This will allow us to create "a world of our hopes and dreams"!

You can help work toward this ideal world by humbling yourself. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, but you must simple seek to serve others and not yourself. Do not judge others but rather understand how you can support and connect with them. This will allow you to impact your community as you value the lives of those around you!


If you would like to listen to song again, you can utilize the links below!

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