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24 Things to do in 2024

You know what they say: New year, new me! If you’d like to better yourself in the new year with some healthy activities, or just push your boundaries, here’s a list of things you can strive to do this year!

Try a new recipe-

Cooking is a great activity that incorporates mathematics, literacies, and healthy eating habits, as it can replace the occasional fast food or frozen meals. From master chef to potential fire hazard, there is a recipe for everyone out there, no matter the skill level. Don’t be afraid to start small if you’re new in the kitchen, or test the waters of something more challenging if you’re a seasoned chef. There are plenty of recipes on the UCL Bookworm Blog to get started!


The easiest resolutions to keep are the least demanding ones. If your resolution is to be more active and healthy, yoga is an amazing place to start! This habit is very easy to keep because it can easily fit into a daily routine, even if it’s only for 10 minutes a day. I recommend trying out yoga first thing in the morning or right before bed to feel the amazing effects. If you’d like somewhere to start, look for “Yoga With Bird” on Youtube for instructional videos ranging from 3 to 20 minutes.

Teach your pet a trick… or yourself!-

Keeping your pet and your relationship with them healthy can be a struggle when you’re busy. If you’d like to strengthen your bond and challenge your pet mentally, find a tutorial for a trick. For those of you that don’t have pets, you can still teach yourself something new! Try out pen spinning, a magic trick, or a card trick. Who knows when a party trick could come in handy.

Pierce your ears-

If you’d like to change up your look subtly, piercings are perfect! If you already have your ears pierced, there are many other ear piercings available, or many other locations to get pierced. Of course, only get piercings with parent permission and ensure that your piercer has the proper licenses and follows safety procedures!

Clean your closet-

We all could probably clean more, but it’s a hard task. Starting with your closet provides a good opportunity to clear out some storage space while getting a jump on spring cleaning!

Go for a hike or picnic-

Even though the weather doesn’t quite permit it now, spending time outdoors is great for the body and mind. Try to plan a hike, picnic, or day outside with family or friends. Soon enough, the weather will get nicer and it’ll be the perfect opportunity to spend the day outside!

Clean up garbage outside-

Bettering the community often means bettering yourself too! The next time you go on a walk around your neighborhood or town, bring a plastic grocery bag along. Then, if you see trash, you can pick it up. Feel free to use gloves as well in order to stay clean!

Raise a plant-

Some people have green thumbs and others like me… not so much. Even if you struggle with keeping a houseplant alive, there are many plants that endure nearly anything! Set a goal to take care of a new plant in the new year. If you’d like to be thorough, research what plants would do best in your area.

Learn a new card game-

Card games are great for get-togethers or to pass time by yourself. There are hundreds of games out there to learn, so pick one and maybe grab some friends to try it out. If you have a competitive group ready for a fast-paced card game, I recommend nerts!

Set a reading goal-

It’s the perfect time to set a reading goal for the year! Choose the number of books you’d like to finish this year and try your best to achieve that goal. I recommend downloading Goodreads to easily track what you’ve read.

Try a new sport-

If you’d like to focus on physical health, sports are the way to go. Grab some friends or look for a local recreational league and jump into a new sport!

Start a rainy day fund-

If you’d like to improve your spending habits, a rainy day fund is a great way to start! Grab a jar or shoebox and set it aside for when you have loose change. By the end of the year, you’ll have a small collection of money to spend on something fun. You can also take the time to decorate your rainy day fund!

Try a new restaurant-

Let’s be honest, it gets boring eating Chick-fil-A for the twelfth time in a row. Set a goal to branch out to a new restaurant, so next time, you can have a fresh and new option. Who knows, you might discover your new favorite cuisine!

Go camping-

While it can be hard to arrange, camping is a great experience that everyone should try! Even if you just gather a few friends and set up a tent in a backyard, it can be a fun and exciting sleep over!

Read from a new genre-

The new year is a perfect time to branch out! Test out a book from a genre you’ve never quite experienced. Don’t be afraid of genres that seem intimidating. Although, I can’t blame anyone for passing up non-fiction.

Bird watch-

If you’d like to spend more time outdoors, try bird watching! This activity is great for clearing the mind and reconnecting with nature. Even if you can’t spot birds, try taking in the sounds and sights of nature.

Get a planner-

Using a planner or calendar is a great way to stay organized in the new year. Even if you don’t keep up with it consistently, a planner can still make a change in your daily life. They’re perfect for watching out for school deadlines!

Watch a new TV series-

We all have that one show we keep hearing about, but haven’t gotten around to watching. Take some time to unwind and try out a new series!

Set a daily drinking goal-

If you’d like to focus on your health, focus on staying hydrated. Aim to drink about 8 cups a day. For those that struggle with staying hydrated, look out for water bottles that have measurements along the side. These types of bottles are perfect for tracking how much water you’ve had that day.

Donate old clothes-

Take some time to gather clothes that no longer fit you and donate them to any local places that accept used clothes. It’s a win-win: You get more space in your dresser, and someone can reuse your old clothes. Don’t forget to wash your clothes before donating!

Have a sleepover-

If you think you’re too old for sleepovers, you’re not. No one is too old for staying up late and watching movies with friends! Choose a weekend to get together with your friend, sibling, or cousin and plan fun activities!

Listen to a new artist-

Expanding your music taste is always exciting! Try to branch out this year by looking out for new artists, getting into some classic musicians, or asking your friends about their favorite music!

Express your gratitude-

We often forget to be thankful for the things we have. This year, take the time to acknowledge what you have and don’t forget to express self-gratitude. This will help boost your mental health and happiness!

Visit the public library-

Check out your closest public library this year, especially if you’d like to read more, connect with other people in the area at library programs, or rent a new movie to watch!

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