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The Character that is Spider-Man

I love Spider-Man. I always have and always will. Words literally can’t describe how much I love this character, but that doesn’t mean I won't try. 

We all know the tragic origin story of Spider-Man and the life changing events that built his unyielding spirit. The radioactive spider bite, the death of uncle Ben, and the knowledge that it could have been avoided are what made Spider-Man the character that he is. 

The reason that Spider-Man is a beloved character is not because of his powers or the somewhat fantastical life that he leads. It all begins with the man behind the mask. The reason that Spider-Man is loved is because of Peter Parker. When Spider-Man was originally created by Stan Lee, it was unnatural for a superhero to not be an adult. If there was to be a child superhero, they had to be a sidekick. When it came to Spider-Man, Stan Lee made teenage Peter Parker the main hero. This attracted much attention from the teenage audience that read comic books and kickstarted the rise of Spider-Man. 

That is not the only thing that makes Spider-Man unique and incredible though, because it is also the lifestyle that he leads which contributes to the affection so many have for this character. Most superheros are either aliens from other planets or billionaires with larger-than-life problems, but Spider-Man is a down to earth superhero with relatable problems like homework, relationships, being on time, and other normal people stuff. Because of his lifestyle, we can see ourselves in his place, and because of that, we can understand him.

One last thing I have to say about Spider-Man is that he is a man. When Stan Lee created this character he never intended for Spider-Man to be interpreted as a lost teenager looking for guidance. His story is about a coming of age that forced itself upon him. That is why I love Spider-Man. I love that no matter what life throws at him, whether it be villains or tests, he always tries and keeps punching through. Spider-Man is the living embodiment of the phrase, “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.” He took the lemons that life gave him and made a lemonade we will never forget. 

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