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The Ancient History of Till We Have Faces and Pokémon Legends Arceus

Every book and game we read has a theme in its overarching story. One such topic which is present in many properties is that of history and deities. Till We Have Faces, a novel by C.S. Lewis, portrays a tale in the fictional city of Glome, located near Greece, around 400 B.C. Pokémon Legends Arceus, a video game by Nintendo, guides players on a story in the past in the Hisui region. Join me as I compare these two historic narratives and how powerful deities shaped their stories.


Plot Overview

Till We Have Faces is a retelling of the story of Cupid and Psyche from Greek mythology. The novel is narrated by Orual, the princess of Glome. The people of Glome worship the goddess Ungit, who is represented in a temple as a rugged, black rock. The kingdom's citizens also revere the god of the Grey Mountain, who is known as Ungit’s son. However, this story is not about mysterious deities, but rather the life of Orual. As a child, Orual’s mother dies and her father, the king, purchases a Greek slave who is nicknamed the Fox. The Fox becomes a mentor to Orual as he teaches her about Greek philosophy and doubting the existence of gods. The king also remarries and his new wife gives birth to a daughter named Psyche. For most of Orual's life, she protects and loves Psyche as the gods of Glome influence their lives.

Legends Arceus is a new installment of the Pokémon game series set in the Hisui region. For those who may have played Pokémon games before, the Hisui region is a historic Sinnoh region where the region is only first being settled. In this story, you will embark across this vast land to complete Hisui’s first regional Pokédex while also learning about the mysteries of the region. This includes uncovering the truth of the Space-Time Rift located above Mount Coronet. During this journal, you will complete your goals while working with the Galaxy Team. With this team, the Pokédex will be researched with the help of your friend Akari/Rei (depending on the character you chose at the start of the game) and Professor Laventon. Lastly, you will encounter the native people of Hisui, who are known as the Diamond and Pearl Clans. These individuals, who serve as wardens, will help you uncover this mystery of Hisui.


Story Similarities

The Deity: Ungit and Almighty Sinnoh

These stories are greatly influenced by two powerful deities. Ungit, the goddess of Glome, demands the attention and sacrifice of the town's people. She is a jealous goddess who's worship leads to tragedy in Orual's life, causing the princess to despise Ungit. Almighty Sinnoh, the creator of the Hisui region, is a powerful creature rumored to live past the Space-Time Rift. Though the identity of this powerful being is unknown, they guide you across the region through the Arc Phone.

The Mountain: The Palace and the Temple of Sinnoh

These tales each have a grand mountain as well with large buildings for their deities. For the god of the Grey Mountain, an invisible palace is present on the Grey Mountain where he presides with his bride. This palace is very hard to reach and cannot be seen by those who do not have faith. For Almighty Sinnoh, a temple is constructed in reverence for these deity. The temple is located at the peak of Mount Coronet and cannot be reached without a strong team of Pokémon. In the future, both of these buildings are neglected and turned to ruins.

The Conflict: Kingdom of Phars and Clans of Hisui

As we all know, books and games contain many conflicts between characters. In relation to these two tales, two conflicts of dominance are seen. For the kingdom of Glome, the nearby Kingdom of Phars is at war due to the heirs of the kingdom fighting for the throne. For the region of Hisui, the Diamond and Pearl clans disagree on their beliefs and the true identity of Almighty Sinnoh. You will have to read the novel and play the game to discover which heir and which clan wins in their respective stories.

The Mentor: The Fox and Professor Laventon

The protagonists in the respective stories have an individual who teaches them about the world. The Fox teaches Orual about Greek philosophy, but is skeptical on the existence of gods. Professor Laventon teaches the player about Pokémon and is curious in researching the supposed Almighty Sinnoh. Though they teach very different topics, these mentors are key characters in the novel's and game's plot to help guide the main character.

The History: Greece and Sinnoh

As stated before, the settings of Glome and Hisui represent an area near Greece and the Sinnoh region respectively. The story in Glome occurs during the Hellenistic period around 400 B.C. A few hundreds years later, this region would be taken over by the Roman Empire. Then, the region would become part of the Byzantine Empire and be separated into modern countries over the next few hundred years. The story of Hisui, which is based on the Japanese island of Hokkaidō, takes place many years before the story of Sinnoh. This is seen as many Pokémon are unknown and the region is mostly unhabituated. In modern times, Sinnoh has many cities and Pokémon are well researched. The history of Glome and Hisui are very important to the novel's and game's story as the past is told during these narratives.


Till We Have Faces and Pokémon Legends Arceus are fascinating and entertaining stories which contain many interesting characters and settings. There are many more comparisons between the two historic stories I did not share. I recommend anyone interested to read and play the book and game respectively. I hope you enjoy your read through of Glome and your journey through Hisui!

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