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Study ON! Tips to ACE the Exam

Exams!? Already!?

It seems like the school year just got started… I mean it was just a month ago, and already its one exam after the other. Sometimes its hard getting into the grove of studying. I know I personally struggled with studying ahead of time. I usually had to cram everything into my head when trying to study, and a day before no less. SMH.

Here’s the thing, if you like the subject you’re studying you won’t need to study as hard. But it also doesn’t hurt to give your mind a little refresh before you have to take an exam. So I hope these tips help you out.



3 things you need to get organized:

1. NOTES - Everyone takes note differently, but these are your best tools when studying for an exam. Write down things that are most important, don’t try to get everything.

2. PENCILS AND PENS – It may seem weird, but a sharp pencil is a must. Or if you like pens, get all the colors in the rainbow. The right stationary makes all the difference.

3. CALENDER – make sure all your other responsibilities are taken care of, this will help you not think about other things.



It seems self-explanatory, but studying during the day really keeps your mind focused. Do what works best for you. It could be studying in the early morning, after all you refreshed after a night’s sleep and it will get the juices flowing for the day. Or studying in late afternoon, after all your other responsibilities are taken care of, you won’t have to think about anything else and stay concentrated on the task at hand.



Study somewhere comfortable and clean. I find somewhere outside of my house is the best place to study. It keeps you away from any distractions and keeps you focus better. (Psst… the library is a great place, I hear.) But do whatever works best for you. It could be staying at home in your own space, finding an area outside, or working with a group of friends. If it works, it works.

Making sure that area is clean as helps, if will help with distractions and keep your mind cluster free.



Most teachers give out a course outline or syllabi about what to except on each test, if you don’t get a review sheet (these make life so much easier). Use that to your advantage, take a look and see what you need to study.

And if all else fails, ASK, ASK, ASK if you have question. Your teacher is your biggest resource and they want to see you succeed.



Stay hydrated and have a healthy snack. Keep water or your favorite drink and a small snack next to you.



This probably the crucial part of studying. You never want to over study, because than you’ll just forget the important stuff. Set a time schedule for how you want to study, you could do 25 minutes of studying, enjoy a 5-minute break and then get back to in for another twenty-five.

This is also the only time you should be on you phone. I KNOW! It’s unheard of to be without it for to long, but the less distracted you are, the better.


Well, that’s it from me. I hope these tips help, and any exam is a breeze. If all else fails. FAKE IT ‘TIL YOU MAKE! I’m kidding, really. You got this and you’ll do great.

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