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It's Gonna be Okay: Ways to Help Your Mental Health

Life is tough. It can get overwhelming and you may feel like it’s too much. It can take a toll on you, and honestly, it can be really hard to get back to the person you were before. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do, but you will be okay. Trust me. These are some simple ways to help your mental health and improve your mind.


Sleep Schedule - With so much to do everyday, it can be really hard to get enough sleep (my eyebags clearly help prove my point). But the energy you need to help take care of yourself comes from the rest and relaxation you get while sleeping. Here are some simple tips I use to help sleep better and fix my sleep schedule.

  • Have a fixed time to sleep and wake up every morning: Your body needs to get used to a schedule and get enough energy. Make sure to pick times that would help you feel the most energized and get the right amount of sleep.

  • No technology one hour before bed: I’m definitely guilty of failing this tip. I literally scroll through my phone every night till my eyes give out on me. You should replace scrolling with other activities, like reading or journaling. This can help to supply your brain with melatonin to sleep better.

  • Create a nighttime schedule: A night routine can really help you to wind down and relax before getting a good night’s rest. The best part? You can customize your routine however you’d like! Personally, I like to read a book and then do my skincare routine before I sleep but you can do anything that helps you relax!


Journaling - So many people suffer from overthinking on a daily basis. It can be hard to control and stop the intrusive thoughts from taking over. However, with this simple tool, you can find an easier way to let your thoughts flow more clearly. Journaling isn’t done in one traditional way. In fact, there are various different methods used to journal. Try at least one of these when you start overthinking and they may be able to make your mind feel more clear.

  • Dump: It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. On a piece of paper, dump everything that’s in your mind. It doesn’t have to make sense- it can be anything from random words, drawings, scribbles, or a paragraph. After you dumped everything you needed to, rip up the piece of paper. Take your time and rip it to as big or as small of pieces as you can. After that, throw out those pieces and let go of your thoughts as you throw them away.

  • Entry: This is a classic one seen in movies and TV shows. It can be a therapeutic way to journal, making it seem like you're talking to someone. It can help you think better about your situation and thoughts.

  • Daily writing: This method is more about consistency than what you’re actually writing. Taking 10 minutes every morning or night to write can help you to find a habit of how to process your thoughts and have a clearer mindset.


Spend Time with People - When one’s mental health is down, many tend to give into isolation. They avoid any contact with other people and isolate themselves. However, this is actually a really unhealthy habit for your mental health, even though it may seem like it's better since you're not surrounding yourself with outside forces. It can make you hold on to your problems internally, which can allow them to grow. Being around those you love can help boost your mood and overall mental health. Spending time with others doesn’t have to be a big thing either. Here are some simple ways to incorporate human activity in your life!

  • Going out with friends: A simple day out to the movies or to the park with your friends can help you relax and boost your serotonin levels. It doesn’t need to be a big and complex day- anything that you enjoy doing with your friends is perfect way to help your mental health!

  • Call an old friend/family: Honestly, I think calls are underrated. As someone with friends literally 600 miles away, I tend to communicate through technology a lot (I literally can’t go a single day without talking to them. Trust me, I tried). Even though they aren’t physically with you, their presence can be really comforting!

  • Talk to a therapist: If you feel at some point that nothing is working, it may be time to reach experienced people for help. It may seem scary, but talking to someone trained may allow you to address any mental health issues you are facing.


Movement - This may seem like something simple, but when one's mental health is down, it’s easy to stay in one spot (literally). Remaining inactive in life can not only contribute to your mental health issues, but also physical health issues. Staying consistently active is shown to reduce risk in many different diseases and mental health problems. It can benefit your body and mind at the same time (honestly a win-win scenario right here)! Moving your body doesn’t have to be boring either. In fact, there are so many different ways to do so! Here are some of my favorites:

  • Working out: Whether this means deadlifts at the gym or a quick 20 minute home workout, a work out can really help to build muscle in your body to help you feel stronger, mentally and physically!

  • Walking/running: There’s something really therapeutic about running and walking that really helps to calm down my emotions and clear out my mind. It’s also a great form of cardio and is the perfect way to get those steps in!

  • Dancing: Dancing is by far my FAVORITE way to release negative emotions and anything I have going on in my brain. Blasting Taylor swift “New Romantics” and dancing and singing my heart out is definitely my form of therapy (I swear, I always forget what I was concerned about before. Like anxiety who?)


Day Off: I think everyone deserves a break at some point. Nobody can keep going without a break, and that’s perfectly okay. We’re human and we need to take time to ourselves. Just taking a day or even just an evening off to yourself to allow you to do the things you love can really change the game. After all, you're the one living life so you might as well take care of yourself too. Caring and taking a day off can look different for everyone, but here are a few simple and quick ideas of some things you could do:

  • Go to that coffee shop you always wanted to go to

  • Go shopping

  • Get yourself a new game you’ve been eyeing

  • Explore a new town

  • Prepare a home cooked meal

  • Listen to music

  • Sleep

  • Watch a funny show

  • Cry if you need to

  • Draw or just make art

  • Have fun outside


These are just some simple ways that can help to improve your mental health. But on a side note, these aren’t guaranteed fixes. Things will get hard. You’ll get hurt. You’ll feel like nothing will ever work out. You’ll feel done with life. You’ll feel like nothing can save you now. But I’m here to genuinely say with all my heart, you will be okay. I promise. It might not be instant. It might take a while. It might be hard. But you’re strong and I believe in you. You got this. And trust me, you will be okay.

“You’ve got no reason to be afraid. You’re on your own kid. Yeah, you can face this.” -Taylor Swift (You’re on Your Own Kid)

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