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Celeste and Mental Health

Celeste is a game about a mountain and an anxious girl daring to climb it. She seems determined to work towards the feat, but hides her doubt of potentially failing. Throughout the game, she struggles with this doubt and, with time, learns to coexist with her doubts, helping her climb the mountain.

It’s pretty common for people to feel this way. We can all feel anxious in a stressful situation, but some let it control them more than others. If this sounds relatable, it’s okay; worrying about the future is a hard habit to break. But it is possible to make new, better habits. Here are some suggestions:



It’s best to acknowledge your emotions instead of bottling them up. One way to do this is by writing in a journal. When beginning, try to focus on how you feel at this certain moment. You can jot down your thoughts and feel the relief of them being expressed.

Do An Old Hobby:

Sometimes it can feel rewarding to pick up an old hobby again. The sense of familiarity can feel pleasant and nostalgic. Immersing yourself with an old hobby can help you reconnect with a part of yourself before your present stress. This can remind you that things will get better someday.

Form A New Hobby:

Even though none of us can be perfect at these things, the least we can do is try this year and put ourselves in a better headspace. Try setting a goal for yourself to learn something new. It doesn’t have to be grand, like climbing a mountain, but what you believe is manageable and achievable. Get your mind off things by engaging in this hobby and practice it at your own pace.


Practice learning to unwind when things get too stressful. Learning to breathe deeply can help you calm down. If meditating for a long period of time feels daunting, try doing it for a minute or until you feel better. There are several meditation timers on the internet and apps that you can download to keep track of progress. Some include Headspace, Calm and Insight Timer.

Play Games:

Video games can be the best form of escapism. They are designed to help the player immerse in a fictional world and worry less about their own. If you’re looking for a calming soundtrack, I would recommend games like Celeste and Abzu. If you want relaxing gameplay, perhaps you should play games including Spiritfarer, Monument Valley, and Eastshade.

Acknowledge Your Small Successes:

If you’re really occupied with school or work, try rewarding yourself for small achievements. Achievements can be anything positive that you notice about yourself and your work ethic in your daily life. Some examples include finishing a chapter of a textbook or document, making progress on an essay, and completing tasks. You deserve some small appreciation for your efforts every day.

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