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3D Printing for Dummies

3D printing is the process of creating a physical object from a digital design, that is typically created on CAD. 3D printing is nothing but just a computer code that tells the printer where to put the plastic. Objects are created by merging together different types of material, and the material gets put down layer by layer. It can be used to create extremely simple objects, as well as extremely complex objects. There are several different ways to 3D print, and multiple different types of technologies used when 3D printing. However, the process to 3D print generally stays the same. 

The first step is to use some sort of 3D design platform in order to create and build your design that you want to 3D print. It is most likely some sort of CAD modeling program. When designing it, it is important to make sure the dimensions of the object are correct. It is also important to consider how much detail you want to put into creating the object. If you are designing something based on an object that is already pre-existing, it is important to make sure that you took the correct measurements. 

Once you have your design, you need to download and convert it into a file format that the 3D printer can read, which is usually STL. This depends on the type of 3D printer you are using. You should also make sure that the size and orientation of the object is right, as well as the materials and parameters. After you prepare the design for 3D printing, the computer makes something called g code (generated code), which gives instructions to the printer on where to move. 

Finally the object can start to print. Depending on how complex the object is, and how big or small it is, it can take longer or shorter time. It can take from hours all the way up to days depending on the design of the object. Once it is printed, it is important to handle the object carefully. 

3D printing is used in a variety of jobs in the real world . Some of the more obvious ones are architecture, aerospace, automotive, but it is also used in careers within dentistry and film productions.

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